Sunday, October 5, 2008

lately, talisa has been:

Dutifully keeping up with her news feeds (perhaps better than with her friendships? she can't even seem to keep up with the ones in the same city as her. Maybe some pruning needs to be done--with the feed, not the friends--how does she have over 200 new items on her Google Reader every morning? ), feeling informed and overwhelmed, trying to seek refuge in more than just Sarah Palin jokes (who would have thought Les Parapluies de Cherbourg could be laugh-out-loud funny? Certainly not Catherine Deneuve. But it absolutely is. Just make sure you watch it with Duke.), wondering how her brain keeps functioning given colloquium/rationale preparations and Ulysses, and mostly, living in that strange college universe in which the phrase "All I do is ______." can be filled in with any of these words: sleep, stay in, go out, have fun, go to work, go to school, homework, hang out with my roommates, miss my roommates, bum around, drink, smoke, procrastinate, etc. and still be completely true.

also, capturing herself with 1.3 hp pavilion megapixels:

side note: south africa, for any one who's curious.

also cross posted.
question: how is everyone?
i won't be home for thanksgiving nor for most of winter break, except the week before christmas.
missing everyone and their antics,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

must focus

So I've been in school for about a month now and I think I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of it. Things I need to do less of include: procrastinating, ditching class, and more procrastinating. Things I need to do more of= read, and going to class. I think it will be easier when everybody else starts school too so there will be less distractions. But yeah w/e, Fleet Foxes tonight!

So I have a few goals for this school year

1. make the dean's list
2. make my life interesting enough to write about it on this blog
3. enjoy

Sunday, September 21, 2008

is summer over? are we still posting here?

(cross-posted again)


- me:

- claire:
-my neurotic/ ocd tendencies have been put to the test, as both of my internships have given me the task of re-shelving their disorganized libraries. (i work in books. this means there are a lot of them.) i have equipped myself with an arsenal of highlighters, printouts, and step-ladders. still needed: a helmet, because books keep falling on my head =(.

Monday, September 8, 2008


from my rocketships, jellyfish blog

The last year of school starts today. This semester I plan on taking all Gallatin classes, interning at Farrar, Straus, and Giroux publishing house and photo department at The New Yorker magazine, waitressing at Chevy's on the weekends, preparing for my colloquium, cooking dinner and going to yoga every week, playing with/worshiping my new Nikon D80, writing more, wearing my summer clothes until the last possible day and then a few days more, basking in the love and craziness of my roommates, continuing to color-code my notes and read things that aren't required when I don't have the time, flossing on a regular basis, and being an overall productive person. Also, I might sleep and perhaps update this blog.

I didn't think it could happen, but this summer beat its predecessor by at least a dozen cupcakes. I came back to New York after nine months abroad and binged on this city. The past three months were characterized by equal parts science movies at the museum of natural history and questionable activities of a less tame nature. So maybe my roommates and I might have jumped off the deep end, splashed around for a little bit and swallowed too much water towards the end, but all in all we're emerging intact and maybe even with a little tan.

goodbye, summer.
it's been a number of adjectives,
and i loved them all.

Friday, September 5, 2008

bringing democracy to the world....America. *salutes*

hello gents

man it's been a crazy couple days, but i'll try to paraphrase.

So i went to frankfurt to koln on the ICE. German engineering at its finest. Clean, simple, efficient, and fast. Got to koln and checked in at the Meninger. This place was clean and cheap, but man, it was dead. No one talked to eachother. The bar was vacant and sterile, not a empty bottle or cigarette butt in site. This really discouraged me, i thought the whole trip was gonna be like this...lonely. i left for amsterdam the next morning and met some canadians on the bus. Long story short ended up braging in amsterdam with them. Met some Brits later that night. Man they're a funny bunch, basically if we talked in witty dry sounding british accents, we would be them. Braged some more. More when i get back. I only have a few minutes left. Everyone says cheers here so i'll so cheers.



Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

hey guys,

if u guys want to get a hold of me just call this thing.

To send me voicemail for free
  1. Dial the toll-free ekit access number for United States (Los Angeles Economy), (2133375555).
    (Follow this link for a complete list of Access numbers.)
  2. Press *, then 2.
  3. Enter my ekit number 2092413924, then press #.
  4. Follow the easy instructions to record and send a message.
To send me email
  1. Email me at
To send me a fax for free
  1. Dial the toll-free ekit access number.
  2. Press *, then 4.
  3. Enter my ekit number 2092413924, then press #.
  4. Press Start/Send on the fax machine.

Sunday, August 31, 2008



Well guys, as most of you know, I'm leaving tomorrow for Europe. I'm trying to get everything packed and ready right now. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous. But I'm also effing excited. I'll try to get a bunch of pics and post them up and maybe even a video or two.


Saturday, August 23, 2008


hello all i just stumbled onto this list while kinda baked. some interesting ones that caught my eye=,,, and,2704,2327437,00.asp


Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hey ya'll!

Just here to give you guys a little update. So tomorrow is the last day of summer school, but I've been not caring for the past 2 weeks. I'm pretty over it. 4 hours of Japanese a day make me go something something.... @.@

Anyway, we've been out drinking a lot. There's something called nomihodai and tabehodai, which are all you can drink and eat places. It costs about $20/2hours. But if you puke they normally charge you a $100 clean up fee haha. Now if I could just get a hold of some herb it'd make this experience that much better... ;]

So I just thought I'd share a random story with you to give you an idea of what we've been doing. We went out on Sunday night to an Izakaya(it's like a Japanese bar thing....) and got really smashed. One of the guys here is in a fraternity and busted out with the "Here's to brother Gene" drinking song... it was pretty horrible. Anyway we left drunk as all heck and walked a coupla miles to get back to school. One of the people that we were with didn't live there, but she's a regular student so she came with us to make sure we got back alright. I offered to walk her home(mind you I was pretty sloshed at this point)... and she said sure. Next thing I know I'm waking up in not my bed and there's a naked chick next to me. Haha I just ran out, caught the bus, and went straight to class hungover as heck. The people next to me said I reeked of booze... so the teacher sent me home lol. That was a pretty fun morning.

Anyway, break's comin up so I'm hoping to get in some quality Jiujitsu time and travel a bit. There's a tourny comin up, so I figure I should start taking this way more seriously - especially if I don't wanna get whipped on by some Japanese dudes.

Alright, I gotta take off. Hope you're all doing well! Catch you guys soon!


ps light one up for me PLEASE

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

currently eating: rice+tofu+tomato+beef

so i didn't end up doing that tournament because my back was not too good, but it's cool watching was pretty fun in itself. on the bright side i got my first student at learning rx, and our first session is tomorrow. her name is posey and she's in kindergarten. i'm a little nervous and feeling a little pressure because she is actually repeating kindergarten because she didn't do so well the first go around and so i guess it's up to me to raise her brain power haha. i hope i do well because i know that these parents don't mess around when it comes to their kids. so yeah, should be interesting.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

And worse

Zesterdaz, we visited mz uncle Mui and uncle Bich. when we got there and spent time with them, it felt great to talk to uncles on mz momäs side I had never met. At about evening when we were having a bbq, Shawn called Tante Chau to ask her if he could staz another night there to spend time with our uncles. Mz tante chau and uncle herbert lost their shit. Thez told Shawn that if he spent another night there and ate in the morning with Uncle Bich, that when we came back, both of our suitcases would be packed and we wouldnät be welcome back at home. We were told never to come back to their house. I had told Tante Chau I would be there until Mondaz, but she took back her offer and told me the same thing. We were driven back to Tante Chauäs at night, and Shawn was told to talk to uncle Herbert about what happened, and whz he asked to staz another night. Mz aunt Chau and uncle Herbert hate Bich and Mui for reasons that I donät fullz understand zet, but thez told us that as guests of their house we were to respect their rules, and if we were to see them we would be banned from their house. Thez said thez would never consider us their nephews and would cease contact with us. Shawn started to talk to Herbert, and when it heated into an argument, Herbert and Chau told us to pack our shit and get out of the house. So shitäs verz bad. verz crayz. and I come back Thursdaz to California. If I gave zou that house number to call, donät call it for now, and Iäll explain everzthing when I get back home. Peas zou guzs

Friday, August 8, 2008

Worse News

I had a long talk with mz aunt and uncle last night, who talked to mz dad. She called him the other night, and he told her about a shitstorm of things that he had never told me. Mz parents are in deep financial problems, and itäs getting worse and worse because of the states´recession. Iäm taking a flight back next Thursdaz, and when I land I need to get shit settled so I can help mz parents out. Iäm going to go about declaring independence so I can get a hold of a better loan or hopefullz some financial aide. I think Iäve managed to hold a job temporarilz; a friend in mz fraternitz has offered a job to do packaging stuff at $11 an hour for 6 hours a daz. It was a shittz night last night sitting down with them, and it was an even shittier morning this morning talking to mz parents. I feel embarassed to saz it, but iäm reallz nervous, and iäm scared for mz familz and mzself. The onlz thing I can do though is not waste time bitching about it, and get back to get mz shit straight. Man life explodes unexpectedlz. Iäll be back hopefullz Thursdaz Aug 14th. Itäll be good to see zou guzs, those who are in the area. Peas for now.


Sunday, August 3, 2008


Iäm in Hamburg, and Iäm staying at a family friendäs house with my cousin shawn who has just come to visit. We sleep in a small house in the backyard, and the dad is a military man, so he let us RAISE THE AMERICAN FLAG ON A FLAGPOLE OUTSIDE OUR LITTLE HOUSE. Shawn and I have a little embassy here, and it was tight raising an american flag in the middle of Germany, or in the north for the matter, hahaha. Iäm having a great time this weekend getting to know my cousin; this is the third time iäve ever seen him. Heäs 19 and goes to MIT. Iäll write more when we come back home, but we did have a big karaoke competition here and I beat the shit out of my drunk ass uncle, we sang Take on Me. and numerous other funny songs. The family weäre staying with here is awesome, and theyäre very good friends with my own parents when they were here. Before we left here, I had the most miserable two days working in the garden. I removed 40 x 85 cubic cm of dirt one day, and then the next day i mixed over 30 bags of concrete, which added up to about 5,000 lbs of concrete, literally. My hands feel like sandpaper and creaky bones. I worked over 10 hours each of those days, but it was worth it because this trip has been one of the most fun; itäs mostly because I have somebody to speak English too, and heäs also my cousin. There were two HUGE traffic accidents on the autobahn that made them shut off all lanes, so I got to get out of the car and run up and down the German freeways hahaha. Shawn took a picture so Iäll try to get that up soon. My camera is shite broken right now; the lens wonät focus for some reason :( funk. on top of that, shawn and I woke up this morning and had to run 5 miles with Christian (family friend, dad) and Uncle Herbert. Now my tendonitis is really bad in my left ankle and behind my right knee. i walk like an idiot. i been using shawnäs shoulder as a good brace hah. peas you guys. keep the fucking fire.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bad news

so i injured my back during training either last night or the night before. yesterday night my back was really tight but i was trying to work through it, but after I got home and out the shower it was hurting pretty bad. I'm 90% sure it had nothing to do with the vertebrae so that's good but I'm pretty sure the muscle on the left side of my lower back are strained or what not.

i guess i have until friday, the day of the weigh ins, to heal up. fuck this is bad timing, after working my ass off, if this injury keeps me from competing i will be one pissed off chinese.


other than that, i'm glad to hear that you are having an awesome time in europe corn! i wish i could join you on these wacky adventures and interject some random 'balang balang's" into the conversations when everybody else is speaking german and i'm jsut sitting there clueless haha. also please remember to saythe following phrase either aloud or to yourself if you are feeling overly european at some point in time: America, Fuck Yeah.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Strasbourg, Freiburg, Bodensee, Baden Württemburg

Plans have changed slightly. I spent that week planning my entire trip for august, but when I had it all finished and came to the money part, I realized that the amount I wanted on loan was just too much. I want to go. But I donät have the money, and I wouldnät borrow that much money from my aunt or uncle, or their friend. My family, as it turns out, is actually going through a big financial problem right now, and the talk with my mom and dad was sobering. But every day here is still beautiful, and in fact, my uncle is now on vacation. Weäve been traveling for the past week, into france and southern Germany. I have seen beautiful things, had amazing days, and am always learning. I wish my camera worked, as Iäve missed some memorable pictures, but Iäll always be ready to regail anybody with random stories in exchange for a beer (or two). Bavarian beer is the original white beer, and that shite is smooooth.

First of all, before I left, I took a train to Köln to get some supplies for our trips around, as we camped to save money. On the train, this old guy next to me stood up too quickly, smashed his head into the luggage rack above, and fell down completely unconscious. The only thing that entire train heard--iäm pretty sure-- was me saying ''OH FUCK!!!!!'' He passed out for a couple minutes, NOBODY got up, and I sat there thinking I was gonna have to go to jail to explain myself. And then, at the next stop, he woke back up, stood up, gave me a terribly dirty look, picked up his luggage, and then got off the train. What the hell?!?!?! hahahahaha. For a couple days we stayed at a family friendäs house in Bavaria, traveled the region, and visited the Bodensee. I thought that place only existed in postcards. Rolling countrysides, storks making big nests on top of houses, everyone relaxing by the river. The house we stayed in was built completely by my familyäs friend, from foundation to finish. Bavarian german sounds funny to me. It has a swedish-ish pattern. On one of the nights, we camped in Freiburg, a very environmental city, with trees and forests everywhere. Iäm starting to think thatäs just what Germany looks like everywhere. Around our camping spot, there was a tent of Italians, a tent of Portuguese, of Netherlands, of English, and a group of people our age from Finland. As we set up our tents (during a rainstorm, which sucked) I noticed that each tent had their car radios on, and here is what I heard: the Italians were playing opera, the Portuguese were playing Bossa Nova, the Netherlandisch..Dutch were playing classical, the English kids were playing rock, and the kids from Finland were playing techno music. haha. The menäs bathroom had a huge calendar of naked women up on it, and when I came out, I told my uncle the bathrooms were pretty nice and clean. When he came back, he pointed at me and said ``CORRECT! those must be the cleanest bathrooms iäve ever seen in all of germany!`` haha. My cousin from Boston is coming on Thursday, and when he comes, weäre heading to Paris, Amsterdam, Bremin, and around the Northern of Germany. I wish I could have used this month to travel by myself, but circumstances have arisen, and Iäm making the most of what I got--which is not bad at all. Iäm going to save up money so when you come, Chris, we can head around for a while. When I come back iäm going to save money, plan again, and head out to go backpacking. So please, save up money and join me, because happiness truly is only real when shared. By the way chaozy, I donät know if you know this, but those two CDäs you put in my car a long time ago, I burned, and have been listening to them all the time since iäve been here. Good luck on your tournament mang! Try to get a video, I want to see you dominate.

Kölner phrase of the day: dreiß der jet (driss dey-ehr yet). it means fuck off in kölner. germans wonät understand it unless theyäre from köln, so if ya feeling like swearing in angry german and donät want anybody to understand, then fire away!

shitty european fashion of the day: white jean capri pants on men paired with euro trash mullets.

Monday, July 28, 2008


hello friends. a lot of times, some of the guys don't like being called "gay" or "faggot" or "feg" or "niggerfaggot" or "gay guy" or "fudgepacker" or "chode" or " quiver lips" or "guy who rides bikes with no seat." often, they come to resent the jokes, taking it as personal attacks on their character.

i'm an open minded guy. i'm accepting of most beliefs and lifestyles. but if you don't want to be called a fairy, please, watch the following videos and avoid this behavior.

also. pierce, remember that thing about censorship? let's take a trip back to first year, and see how first year pierce reacts to my question.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Right Meow
Here's the entire photo album...and yes, I fail as a photographer.

Came back from Korea not too long ago, but the trip itself just feels like a blur. When you're actually there, you try to take in all of it's experience but once it's over, it feels like, "wow, was I really in another country for an entire week?" Weird. I arrived in Incheon, Korea at 5:30 am on Saturday morning. I was greeted by 2 of my cousins that I haven't seen in over 7 years and they took me directly to my grandmother's funeral. Over there, I was then greeted by all my dad's side uncles, aunts and cousins, along with my grandparent's brothers, sisters, and all of their friends. I have never hugged that many people at once. I was extremely happy to see them, but solemn due to the occassion. The family told me to go into the ceremonial room to pay my respects, where my grandmother's picture was held up on a rack decorated with flowers and Korean traditional stuff. Emotions took the best of me and I started bawling like a little baby. It was extremely tough holding back the tears, but when I looked up at all the people who were there, I realized they were here because she had an impacting effect on their lives and that we were mainly here to cherish and celebrate her long enduring life. That made me happy. My grandmother's wish was to be cremated and buried on top of this forest, which we went to after the funeral. I thought it was the perfect place for her burial. Rest in peace.

So yeah, that was all of my first day. I didn't sleep once throughout the 12 hour flight, so I napped hard for the rest of the day.

The food in Korea is....amazing. I ate some bomb ass food for every meal of the day, and the best thing is that it's cheap. Streetside ddukboki, odeng, bulgogi, and deep fried squid > *. and the best thing is it's under 3000 won ($3).

Here's some shabu shabu restaurant, Korean style.

more food, another restaurant.

Anyways, I don't really want to describe my entire trip so I'll just abridge it with random pictures. I basically had one entire day all to myself to go explore Seoul and wherever. I took the bus to 2 different areas in Seoul for 60 cents.

Went to this huge outside market where all the halmunee's hang out.

so many gooks in one place.

I wasn't kidding when I said where all the halmunee's hang out.

Took this photo outside of a PC bang I was had seperate stalls for the computers in the back....uh probably for jacking-off purpose for ronery Korean men who don't have the internets at home. It was dark and had bright neon lights inside.

Look, you can win a knock-off Nintendo DS and a siren for your car.

Took the bus to the National Korean Museum...the 6th largest museum in the world. Check the photobucket for all the photos.

Mysterious looking box.

Cool Jappo paintings.

Even something for our Vietnamese friends! there wasn't much though...kinda sad.

Check out this little nigga.

Must leave my mark before departing.

I spent the rest of the day just walking around and eating more food. I decided to come back to my grandpa's area and explore there as well. I stumbled across this mountain forest region on accident that's right behind my grandpa's place. It kept going higher and higher, so I just kept making left and right turns on random paths and I was lost for a good 2 hours until I found myself on the other side of the forest. Took me about an hour to walk back home. LULS.

I "read" my first hit of "books" here. For those who don't know, my secret word for weed is books.

It led me to here..


and higher...hay see anything unusual?

Kaki King + Grizzly Bear + Album Leaf = holy shit! It was so peaceful...and plus I was really baked. 2 hours passed like NOTHING. hahaha.

and on the very top of the mountain I found this neat little place overlooking some neighborhoods. I finished the rest of my books here.

Even the babies drink here.

This took too long to post. Might update more later?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Iäm in D-dorf right now. I met a half bulgarian half turkish guy who just moved here, and it turns out he rolls and fights. we rolled in the middle of schloß benrath, a huge park, and he twisted the shite out of me hahaha. thereäs all the training i had this summer! :(


So it looks like I will be doing a jiu jitsu tournament on August 3rd. I wasn't going to do it at first but I guess I've changed my mind last minute style. I'm pretty excited to say the least because this will be the first time I've done anything competitive since 8th grade swim team. First things first though, I have to make weight. Good thing is that weigh ins are 2 days before the tournament so I will have 2 days to re fatten up myself haha. So yeah the weight I'll be competing is 149 lbs. I'm currently 160 lbs. Soooo 11 lbs, 9 days, for sure doable. I've never cut weight before though so I'm hoping it won't too shitty of an experience.

In other news I will go in for training at LearningRX this Thursday. I'm pretty excited to do all that and finally get a job. I also registered for classes not too long ago and it donned on me. I'm almost done with college!

so yeah these next few weeks should be interesting. peace and love to you all.
